Visual identity

School work  //  Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Design

As my thesis work I designed visual identity for Lahti ski games. This project was concept so the client was not engaged to use any of my designs. But I still worked with the client so that the outcome would be credible and usable. Lahti ski games is traditional winter ski event in Lahti with ski jumping, cross country skiing and nordic combined. I wanted to use creative ideation process as a method in my thesis because steps of the process did give me “map” for the thesis project. First I studied about Lahti ski games history and considered if there was something which I could use. I also examined competitors and thought about how Lahti could stand out. Of course I discussed with the client about their interests and about how they saw the event’s future (target groups, main event etc.).


After this backround study I did some mindmapping to figure out some keywords. Those words were the base which upon I started to design the visual identity. I aimed for simple and fresh outcome with joy and color. I designed visual identity elements which included logo, typography, silhuet figure (can be used as illustration), backround pattern, colors, basic grid and symbols. I sketched different marketing materials with these elements to show how they work in marketing materials. Finally I thought also about new marketing communication possibilities for Lahti ski games.